Union Chapter No. 2 Royal Arch Degree
Union Chapter No. 2 Royal Arch Degree Congratulations to Companion Garth Hill on receiving his Royal Arch Degree at Union Chapter No. 2.MEGHP Joe Dixon and PGGHP Steven Tiner were in attendance.
Jonesboro Chapter No. 79 Royal Arch Degree
Jonesboro Chapter No. 79 Royal Arch Degree Jonesboro Chapter No. 79 conferred the Royal Arch degree last night on Companion Mark Pease. Congratulations on becoming a Royal Arch Mason. There was a great crowd, even with many of the regulars out that night.
Union Chapter No. 2 MEM Degree
Union Chapter No. 2 MEM Degree Congratulations to Bro. Garth Hill, on receiving his Most Excellent Master’s degree at Union chapter No. 2 on Monday, October 28th with MEGHP Joe Dixon in attendance.
Jonesboro Chapter No. 79 Degrees
Jonesboro Chapter No. 79 Degrees Jonesboro Chapter No. 79 conferred the Mark Master and Past Master degrees tonight on 4 candidates. Congratulations on beginning your journey. There was a great crowd tonight including MEGHP Joe Dixon and MW Darrell Gifford, Grand Master of Arkansas. Reminder, the remaining chapter degrees and all council degrees will be conferred at […]
In Memory of PGGHP Edmund D. Harrison
In Memory of PGGHP Edmund D. Harrison It is with profound sorrow that I announce the death of our beloved Most Excellent Past General Grand High Priest Edmund D. Harrison. Most Excellent Harrison served as General Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons, Int’l for the 69th Triennial 2011-2014. His funeral […]
Union Chapter No. 2 Chapter Festival
Union Chapter No. 2 Chapter Festival Union Chapter No. 2 hosted a statewide Chapter Festival on Saturday, July 13, 2024. It was a great crowd, including MEGHP, Joe Dixon and 10 current Grand Chapter officers, 4 DDGHP’s, and 6 Past GHP’s. We also celebrated Past MEGHP Steven Gregory’s 95th birthday with cake. Congratulations to our […]
Anita Lockhart – Grand York Rite Lady Award
Anita Lockhart – Grand York Rite Lady Award Mountain Home Chapter #43 honors Anita Lockhart with the Grand York Rite Lady award. Making the presentation is Arkansas Grand King, Companion Ray Matthew.
El Dorado Chapter No. 114 Chapter Festival
El Dorado Chapter No. 114 Chapter Festival El Dorado Chapter No. 114 hosted a Chapter Festival in honor of Royce Taylor PEGHP on Saturday, June 8, 2024. There were 25 in attendance, including MEGHP, Joe Dixon. Congratulation to the 5 new companions on receiving the Royal Arch degrees.
Union Chapter No. 2 Royal Arch Degree
Union Chapter No. 2 Royal Arch Degree Union Chapter No. 2 conferred the Royal Arch degree on April 15th. We were pleased to have our Grand High Priest, M:.E:. Joe Dixon and our Ill:. Grand Master, M:.I:. Sheldon A. Gately in attendance. Congratulations to our new Companions David Bishop and Jared Brice!
Union Chapter No. 2 Degrees
Union Chapter No. 2 Degrees Union Chapter No. 2 conferred the Mark Master and Past Master degrees on 2 candidates on March 11th. We were pleased to have our Grand High Priest, M:.E:. Joe Dixon in attendance. Congratulations!