Order of the Sword & Trowel

Meets twice annually:

At the Grand sessions and 1st Saturday in May.

Open to sitting and Past Illustrious Masters by application.

For Official Information Contact:

Michael P. Lockhart
Treasurer/Registrar, Pro-Tem
49 County Rd. 644,
Mountain Home,
AR, 72653-9133


Michael Winningham
Thrice Illustrious Master

2023-2024 Officers

Thrice Illustrious Master: Michael Winningham
T.I. Senior Warden: Mark Kalkbrenner
T.I. Jr. Warden: Joshua Bryant
T.I. Treasurer/Registrar: Michael P. Lockhart, PTIM
T.I. Steward: Jarrod Adkisson
T.I. Sentinel: Billy Britt
T.I. Chaplain: Troy Cole
T.I. Dir. of Work: T.J. Henwood, PTIM

2023-2024 Officers

Class of 2023