Arkansas College SRICF

For Official Information Contact:

Dick E. Browning, VIII°

Steven Glenn Tiner, IX°
Chief Adept

Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis

SRICF (which is simply Latin for the Rosicrucian Society of the United States) is an invitational Body composed of highly dedicated and long serving Masons, and dedicated to the esoteric and philosophical study and examination of Masonry. The Masonic Rosicrucian Society is not merely another Degree of Freemasonry which may be acquired. The Society is not interested primarily in increasing its membership, but is always happy to consider such Brethren whose interest in the Society’s aims is sincere.

Membership requires affiliation with a Symbolic, Craft, or Blue Lodge, and a profession of the Christian faith.

January, 2025 Meeting & Degree

(L-R) Jason Amick; Michael Olegario; Steven Tiner, Chief Adept; Lucas Minton, Director of Work; Ronald Tucker, 1st Ancient; Troy Cole, Suffragan; Paul Wilson, Celebrant; David Ponder; William Frizzell, 3rd Ancient; Dick Browning, Secretary; Randy Gilless; Jarrod Adkisson; and Mike Winningham

Elected Officers 2024-2025

Chief AdeptSteven Glenn Tiner
CelebrantW. Paul Wilson
SuffraganTroy W. Cole
TreasurerCharles H. Ferguson
SecretaryDick E. Browning
1st AncientRonald S Tucker
2nd AncientThomas Liles
3rd AncientWilliam Frizzell
4th AncientHal Sutherland

Recent News

Rosicrucian Society

Rosicrucian Society Meeting

Rosicrucian Society Meeting & Degree The Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis (SRICF) met Saturday in Little Rock and conferred the Practicus (3rd Degree) on Jason

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